
Medicare Rx Dashboard
NFL Analytics Dashboard
GeneSearch v2

About the Experiments

Each one of these software products is a working progress and is to be updated as time goes on. Not built for any particular user in mind, these tools are for people to conduct research into areas they may find interesting.

  • Medicare Data of Pharmaceutical Companies and their Drug Costs

    For market research purposes. Key metrics to see how certain companies price their drugs and the cost of the same drug at different companies. Data table included to drill down and filter to the key metrics that are presented in the visualizations.

  • NFL Statistics Comparing any Two NFL Teams

    For the NFL fan who wants to see which team has the momentum (in statistics) going into the match up. The user can see the passing and rushing offense and defense performance of the two teams over the last six weaks vs their opponents. Also see the last 7 games these two teams faced one another and view the stats from each of their last games.

  • Genetic Information associated with certain medical conditions

    For researching genetic variants, their location and clinical context depending on the medical term searched, able to filter and view hundreds to thousands of genetic variants for nearly any medical condition.

If you have ideas on what you would like improved in the dashboards, please dont hesitate